We’re in France for a couple of weeks, making our way around to see family in the south and bouncing around Paris for the rest of our time here. We were in Paris for Christmas last year, but it feels like such a different place in the summer than in winter. It’s been a year since were last in the south of France, and as usual, it’s all pretty much awesome in the summer.

For the last few days, we’ve been staying on the Côte d’Azur at Guillaume’s grandparents’ property in the tiny town of Saint Cézaire-sur-Siagne. It’s a picturesque French village, reminiscent of that little town Henri describes in one of Avienne’s favorite books, Henri's Walk to Paris (although, I’ve never actually seen a bus come through this place).

We’ve been passing most of our time by the pool and at the table feasting on thoughtful meals made from the ripest fruits of the season. Everything’s a little slower, a lot calmer, and admittedly, it’s taken me a couple of days to let myself slow down and soak it all in. There are worse things to wake up to than the sound of a buzzing cicada outside your window and a garden full of fruit and olive trees. For someone who isn’t exactly cut out for all of nature’s [creepy-crawly] gifts, I can’t help but feel the peace that it brings to be surrounded by it.

My nature-loving girl is in her element, though, and unlike me, she could not care less for the "scarier" bits nature has to offer. She has been running wildly through the wide open spaces here, creating stories and introducing us to some new imaginary friends she’s befriended in the garden. Somehow, though, between the plane ride and road trip to get here, she managed to catch a bug that’s limiting her adventures with a fever and an annoying stomach flu. She seems to be on the mend now, though, so we’re hoping she’ll be good and ready to take on Paris this next week!

It was a long drive down from Paris (9ish hours!), so there were many pit-stops along the way, but this girl was such a good road-tripper!

Eating so well before her tummy troubles began. :(

Ripening fruit everywhere. We were a little early for most of it, but managed to sneak a few fallen apricots. ;)

I sure hope Avienne gets the green thumb gene from her great-grandmother. She sure has the love for nature and, as usual, was eager to offer a helping hand with anything plant-related. 

Checking out the horse stables in town. Avienne was impressed, but a little wary of their size.

I loved seeing all the flowers and plants around the little village. Greenery makes such a difference!