There's been a lot of commotion going on these parts lately, mostly due to the fact that my husband is seriously awesome. I don't brag about him often enough, but I know everyday how lucky I am to be stuck with someone as clever and kind as he is. When we first started out as a legally wed couple in France, he was always supportive of my learning French and seemingly endless job-search. And, he never stopped believing that I shouldn't settle for a job that I was over-qualified for simply because of the language barrier nor just for the sake of finding a job. In the end, he was right, and I know that the confidence he had in me to be successful in France at the very least motivated me to find an amazing job there.

So, when we decided to move back to Austin, I knew he might face the same type of barriers that I faced in Paris. We tried to prepare ourselves for a long-term job-search here, but as the days have been ticking by and the market seems to be drying up, all of our planning has been starting to feel extraneous. More recently though, Gui had been having much more success and over the past two weeks, he was getting calls and interviewing for jobs that were precisely what he had hoped to find in Austin. He was particularly excited about a position that involved working with lots of engineers and learning completely new technology, so he made every effort to be perfectly prepared for his interview with this company. Going through the same motions as I did back before I interviewed at my last fancy job, he sought advice from friends in the business, thought long and hard about how the American-style interview process would be, gave it his all and hoped for the best.

This week, he received a call from the company reassuring him that they wanted him on the team, and this morning, they contacted him again to officially offer him the job. What a relief! If Gui could name his dream job, it would likely be this one. He's obviously happy, but I think he's even more excited than he's leading on. I, for one, am a seriously proud wife - he was able to do in two months what took me over a year to do in France. Brilliant, smart, funny and good looking? I definitely got the better end of the deal here.